how does d/D methodology translate to practice?

from Resortec’s website: the addition of their heat-calibrated thread in manufacturing ensures that clothing can be broken down properly at the end-of-life

property of  Resortecs®

design for Decomposition begins with accountability. taking responsibility for a product’s end-of-life is the core of the concept. d/D provides support and guidance to designers and companies looking to produce responsibly.

the green arrows indicate successful loops. the initial product flow only supplies regenerated mycelium and brass hardware if it is damaged beyond repair and reuse.

the product designer and manufacturer need to work together to keep the product in the loop.

how d/D works using a handbag made from mycelium

the lack of accountability leads to interrupted flows where the only circularity is a repair loop. however, there is no mechanism in place to address products that can’t be repaired.

now compare the material flow for the same product but using the circular economy bio & technical loops